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We are a professional photography company with over 800 square feet of studio space and a unique idea of hosting and capturing parties on the North Shore of Massachusetts.

Portrait Parties by KC Films and Photography are a completely new and different idea for kids/adults and their friends in the Boston area. A unique, exciting way to celebrate. Come dressed for a party and we will handle the rest! Get ready to strike a pose and have the time of your life!

Girls will also enjoy the experience of a professional photo shoot with all the changes of clothes they want, set to music of their choice with a group of friends to strut their stuff and share the fun with. Each “model” will get the chance to have some individual portraits as well as fun shots with all the models together. Birthdays are such an exciting time! When you are raising kids, the end of the year and the beginning of a new one is a memorable time that you want to bottle up and always remember. Each year they change so much. Capturing that sweet and exciting time can bring you joy for years to come. Put your camera down moms and dads and enjoy the fun. I will handle making memories!

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© 2019 by Amie Keefe

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